Connect Mansfield Woodhouse with Slow Ways

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Mansfield Woodhouse


Slow Ways linking Mansfield Woodhouse and Glapwell, Mansfield, Market Warsop, Rainworth, Shirebrook

England / Nottinghamshire / Mansfield Woodhouse

Mansfield Woodhouse’s five Slow Ways are 90% checked

Drawn: 5/5
reviewed: 5/5
verified: 4/5
and surveyed: 4/5

Help connect Mansfield Woodhouse

Many Slow Ways have several route options. Some will be better than others, or good for different reasons.

Our goal is for each Slow Way to have at least one route that is verified and surveyed. To be verified – and get its snail badge – a route needs at least three positive reviews.

Give a hike and help get a for every one of Mansfield Woodhouse’s Slow Ways.

Walk to Mansfield Woodhouse from further afield

Slow Way Route To do
Glapwell—Mansfield Woodhouse
Glaman one Enjoy me Distance 8km/5mi Ascent 69m Descent 143m
Mansfield Woodhouse—Mansfield
Manman one

Double check Distance 3km/2mi Ascent 38m Descent 31m
Mansfield Woodhouse—Mansfield
Manman two Enjoy me Distance 3km/2mi Ascent 34m Descent 28m
Mansfield Woodhouse—Market Warsop
Manmar one

Review me Distance 8km/5mi Ascent 62m Descent 105m
Mansfield Woodhouse—Market Warsop
Manmar two Enjoy me Distance 9km/5mi Ascent - Descent -
Mansfield Woodhouse—Rainworth
Manrai one Review me Distance 14km/9mi Ascent 209m Descent 204m
Mansfield Woodhouse—Rainworth
Manrai two Verify me Distance 10km/6mi Ascent - Descent -
Shirebrook—Mansfield Woodhouse
Shiman one

Double check Distance 7km/4mi Ascent 99m Descent 83m
Shirebrook—Mansfield Woodhouse
Shiman two Enjoy me Distance 6km/4mi Ascent - Descent -

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Mansfield Woodhouse and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!

Collective progress

83% of Mansfield Woodhouse’s five route options are drawn, reviewed, surveyed and/or verified









5 people have contributed to Mansfield Woodhouse’s Slow Ways

1 people have pledged to walk and review a route

9 people have surveyed a route in Mansfield Woodhouse

67km out of 67km have been walked and reviewed

135km of reviews have been shared in Mansfield Woodhouse

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An alleyway takes us to Welbeck Road, which we cross and head half left up through a park, then half right across the Millennium Green. We cross another main road and continue on another path right of the cemetery, that leads us out through houses and down a flight of steps into the Maun valley, where we turn sharp right and cross the bridge, then take the track right and bear left steeply up the hill....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

Here we follow the path north parallel to the railway then take the roughly surfaced lane right that leads us into Sookholme, where a short section on or alongside a fairly busy rat run takes us to Sookholme Lane, a quiet byway mostly free of cars, which we follow past more housing development into Warsop....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

There is a small section on the route in Sookholme where you have to walk next to the road for a short while (approx 1/4 mile possibly), you just have to be careful as it can get busy, but otherwise the route is very peaceful....


Walk this route

We stay out of the park, following the aptly named Longhedge Lane down to the second old railway path, where we turn left. The final field path goes further north than the right of way line, so there is no need to turn left to reach the path into Oxclose Wood - this path is straight ahead. Our route through it is easy enough, but there are shorter ways to get to the Mansfield Woodhouse meeting point, though anyone planning to leave by train who is not too pedantic about visiting meeting points will probably be happy enough to take the bridle path across the railway and reach the station from the north side....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

The next road crossing has no lights but a certral refuge. From here care is needed because it's so easy to follow the excellent path that leads into the housing. Crossing the A60 is not so easy so care is needed or a detour south of a hundred yards to a light controlled crossing....


Walk this route
Mansfield Woodhouse—Rainworth

Ken added Manrai two, a new walk from Mansfield Woodhouse to Rainworth

Walk this route

Most of this route is very easy walking with the exception of a slope and steps at Pleasley. Pleasley to Glapwell makes a first class walk for all with a return bus link. Even the field edge path is surfaced leading to a quiet lane towards Rowthorne and onward to Glapwell....


Walk this route

I walked from Shirebook a fairly quick entry to Shirebrook Wood, Sookholme Road would offer a more direct route avoiding a wasted climb. We continue close to the railway on a well walked path then turn to cross the line by those stiles and steps which are the only obstacles on route, annoying because we cross the line again later by a bridge....


Walk this route

As reviewed by Hugh the route to or from Mansfield Woodhouse station emphasises the need for a change here....


Walk this route

We go a short distance right on the roughly surfaced road, then left along the lane/bridletrack which goes along the edge of a former quarry, then crosses the railway and the river Meden and turns right towards the railway. We cross Portland Road and take another surfaced path onto Sookholme Road, then turn right down Market Street, cross Portland Road and go straight on to reach the meeting point in the square....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route

There are steps on the path down from Mansfield bus station to Stockwell Gate, which is just south of Quaker Way, which crosses Stockwell Gate on a bridge. Leaving the meeting point at Mansfield bus station, the route may not be obvious, since the GPX file rather optimistically shows a straight line from the start to the bridge over Stockwell Gate on Quaker Way....

Hugh Hudson

Walk this route
Mansfield Woodhouse—Market Warsop

Ken added Manmar two, a new walk from Mansfield Woodhouse to Market Warsop

Walk this route

A pleasant if hilly road walk away from the main road. Stone Cross Lane sounds nice but needs a bit of attention to offer a pleasant traffic free path. The route to or from Mansfield Woodhouse station emphasises the need for a change here because the available route heads north before starting southwards unless it uses the car park approach....


Walk this route

No cattle, generally good surfaced tracks but two stiles at rail level crossing and tracks are Byways so there could be motorised traffic although I saw none....


Walk this route

Meeting point at Mansfield Woodhouse is poor as station is on edge of settlement so I've amended this route to meet the High Street for shops and buses....


Walk this route
Shirebrook—Mansfield Woodhouse

StephenWalker added Shiman two, a new walk from Shirebrook to Mansfield Woodhouse

Walk this route

We must cross under the railway and follow the obvious path down to the river bridge and up to Littlewood farm. The path is obvious, but not quite where the slow ways route track says it should be. At the obvious gravelled track, turn away from the railway towards Sookholme....


Walk this route

There is no exit due east from the station, and the route out of MW is excessively long. I have posted an alternative....


Walk this route

After crossing the wide track/bridleway the path continues alongside the railway to reach an overbridge. There is a made path in the Brook Park around the industrial units to reach the houses at the edge of Shirebrook on Sookholme Road....


Walk this route

From here you must either head further north to Oxclose Lane or turn right (south) parrallel to the station platforms to reach Debdale Lane. From Debdale Lane it is an easy detour to regain the 'official' route at Station Street....


Walk this route

I walked this route from Glapwell to Mansfield W'hse in February a few days after rain. A somewhat muddier path drops you straight down to the car-park where the route ends/begins....


Walk this route

A straightforward urban route of just 1.7 miles, along the pavements beside roads. The A60 (Woodhouse Road) is busier but not oppressively so. Shops and pubs along the way, for those who need them....


Walk this route
Glapwell—Mansfield Woodhouse

Slow Ways added Glaman one, a new walk from Glapwell to Mansfield Woodhouse

Walk this route
Mansfield Woodhouse—Mansfield

Slow Ways added Manman one, a new walk from Mansfield Woodhouse to Mansfield

Walk this route
Mansfield Woodhouse—Mansfield

Slow Ways added Manman two, a new walk from Mansfield Woodhouse to Mansfield

Walk this route
Mansfield Woodhouse—Market Warsop

Slow Ways added Manmar one, a new walk from Mansfield Woodhouse to Market Warsop

Walk this route
Mansfield Woodhouse—Rainworth

Slow Ways added Manrai one, a new walk from Mansfield Woodhouse to Rainworth

Walk this route
Shirebrook—Mansfield Woodhouse

Slow Ways added Shiman one, a new walk from Shirebrook to Mansfield Woodhouse

Walk this route

Mansfield Woodhouse, Tue 18 June



Mansfield Woodhouse’s Slow Ways starting point

Grid ref


Lat / Lon

53.16331° / -1.20203°

Easting / Northing

453,448E / 363,205N

Fancy stretching your legs a bit more?

If you’ve polished off all of the routes between Mansfield Woodhouse and its neighbours, how about walking its whole web?

This includes the great ring of routes that join its neighbours to each other!


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